
Our First Blog Post

Hello everyone!
Woohoo~~Finally we pushed ourselves to write our first blog post!

We are Athena and Sonia!
Instead of showing ourselves, we introduce you guys our buddy "Fashion" first,
as we are still finding our perfect photo haha!

We have been best friend for almost ten years. (since 2003)
This year, we decided to step out comfort zone to explore the world and share the things that we like.
So we opened this blog to record each little things from lifestyle, beauty to thoughts.
As our blog is dedicated to everyone around the world, this blog will be written in English. (Please bare with us that our English is not perfect O__O)

By the way, we were preparing for the next blog post about lipsticks this afternoon.
We found that it is difficult to take satisfied photos in the way that we expected because you need to adjust a lot of things for it (light, composition, angle...etc).
So, we have visited a lot of blogs that we like for inspiration.

We are still exploring at this stage and we get lots of idea in our mind.
Hope that we could provide better post for you in the future!

Stay tuned!

Athena and Sonia